
Voluntary Human Care Foundation-(VHCF) has a team of social scientist, IT experts, Medical experts and Educators as Executive Board Members. They include the following;

1. Mr.  Faruk Adam founder and Executive Director (Information Scientist)
2. Mr. Manboriba Joseph  (Secretary) (Nurse at Baptist Medical Centre)
3. Mr. Assani Adam (Member) (Retired Educationist at Ghana Education Service)
4. Mr.Zaato Emmanuel Inusah (Member) (Charge Nurse at Baptist Medical Centre) 

The executive team will perform both board and operational duties where require in the interim.
 Interim staff of VHCF will include:
1. Mr. Faruk Adam – Executive Director
 2. Mr. Joseph Mamboriba - Supervisor
 3. Mr. Assani Adam – Operations Officer
 4. Ms. Adam Grace Zenabu - Financial Officer