Sunday, 21 April 2013

Faith Davis supported us in two tranches just this month alone.

Faith Davis
How amazing it can be when God is using others as vessels to do His work. There is a a lady who is taking care of our teachers salary, and for some time we are unable to pay our teachers due to unforeseeable circumstances. Later we agreed with her that we should build the system in place that will allow the organization efficient. Amazing she has already sent us donation in two tranches just this month alone. One is for our registration in the social welfare department and the second is to support settle some bills with our auditor's office and to open a corporate account. She is in the person of Faith Davis of Mary Land, she is been working with us for more than year now. Please keep her in your prayers that God can continue to bless her to be a blessing to this worthy course.

Loretta Wolfenbarger commended the founder of VHCF

Loretta Wolfenbarger
I have been acquainted with Faruk for some time now through Facebook! He has waited on God for 2 years to have a school and now things are beginning to happen. If you should feel led to help these children,by all means do so! I am sharing pictures and the mission with you.
Some of the pics are from a year ago, but you can see what God has done in a year's time! To
god be the glory! Great things He is doing!

New Agape School be established at Gampaa, Northern Ghana

Kids who are to be enrolled in the new school
Another village called Gbanpaa together with three other villages appealed to VHCF to come to their aid with respect to their children Education. There is no school in this community, but the people are determine enough to come together to find a teacher who can find few hours a week to come and teacher their kids, they contribute little amount to pay the teacher. Currently, teaching and learning are taking place under a tree and parents are worried about their children future. The Executive Director, Faruk Adam was the community over the weekend and brought the story.